About nEcoTox

We test nanomaterials

nEcoTox has many years of experience in the handling and testing of nanomaterials.



Chemistry means life. Life as we know it. A world without chemicals is unthinkable. We need chemicals to improve technologies and thereby enable global prosperity in harmony with nature. We support the chemical industry in the development and registration of nanomaterials.


We investigate nanomaterials for their registration. With constantly growing knowledge, the latest methods and state-of-the-art laboratory equipment, we determine physico-chemical properties (e.g. particle size distribution), environmental behavior (e.g. OECD 29 and OECD 318) and ecotoxicity specifically for nanomaterials.


At nEcoTox, the scientifically based consideration of each customer inquiry is the focus. Good and fast communication is standard for us.



We have been a GLP laboratory since 2023 and can currently offer studies in test categories 1, 4 and 5. Here you can find our GLP certificate.

Meet the Team

a man wearing glasses and smiling at the camera
Dr. Ricki Rosenfeldt
Managing Director & Founder
a man looking at the camera
Naveen Eldho Paul
Study director Ecotoxicology
a man wearing a suit and tie
Dr. Jan David
Study director E-fate
Michel Lörz
Quality Assurance
a woman smiling for the camera
Dr. Sara Kolbenschlag
Project Management
a woman wearing glasses and smiling at the camera
Sigrid Rosenfeldt
Maxime Bonin
Study director ecotoxicology
Rebecca Altinger-Gaab
Assistant to the management
Marco Rottmayer


We will keep you professionally up to date. Therefore, we offer seminars and further education on the theoretical and practical level on the topic of NANOMATERIALS.

a man looking at the camera