Tag: Nano

Wie klein ist Nano

How Small Is Nano?

Die Antwort auf diese Frage ist einfach: 1*10-9 Meter. Doch nützt dieser Vorsatz für SI-Einheiten – also ein Milliardstel – unserer Vorstellungskraft? Wohl kaum oder

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Nanos: Form und Gestalt

Nanofacts: Shape and Form

There are hardly any limits to the diversity of nanomaterials. They exist in a wide variety of forms: in addition to organic nanotubes (e.g. carbon nanotubes), inorganic nanomaterials can also be found,

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Nanofacts: Nanos In Everyday Life

#Nanomaterials are an integral part of countless consumer goods that we encounter every day. Whether in #toys, #foods, #cosmetics, #textiles, #varnishes and paints or #plant protection products, their special #surface capabilities

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a sign in front of a building

Necotox At The SETAC GLB

The 24th Annual Meeting of SETAC-GLB will be held from 04 to 06 September 2019 at the Landau Campus of the University of Koblenz-Landau with the participation of the GDCh-FG Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology.

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SETAC Europe in Helsinki

SETAC Meeting (https://helsinki.setac.org/) SETAC Helsinki is a 5-day event that offers a variety of educational, networking and learning opportunities. You cannot miss this event,

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